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- · 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自[05/20]
- · 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自[05/20]
- · 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自[05/20]
- · 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自[05/20]
外国人在宁波 冰上“宁波狼”(2)
摘要:Levels of experience range from ex-Chinese national team players through to guys who have just been playing a couple of years. In theory, there are a couple of the locals who we fondly referred to as ‘
Levels of experience range from ex-Chinese national team players through to guys who have just been playing a couple of years. In theory, there are a couple of the locals who we fondly referred to as ‘coach’, but in reality they come to play more than to teach. Numbers are negotiable as well. But the atmosphere is always the same - the good-humored competition of guys playing puck.
A few months ago one of these ex-national players slipped on a bad patch of ice and managed to dislocate a shoulder. He remained in good spirits while we waited for the ambulance to come, despite the jaunty angle of his arm, and insisting that we all gathered around him for a group photo of his injury.
I asked fellow player "Farb", an American what he thought on Ningbo hockey. He said: "It is truly a special thing to have an ice rink in Ningbo. We were lucky to have such a nice facility in Yinzhou. I have played hockey in several cities in China, my Chinese language ability isn't very good, but that doesn't stop me from making friends on the ice. After all, you don't need to communicate with too many words when playing sports. And it is always a great way to make friends, as well as get some exercise."
Hockey is not a gentle sport, it's not all just fun-and-games, however. There is a big future planned for the team.
Every October there is a hockey tournament hosted in Shanghai with teams coming form all over the country to play. With a recent increase in numbers, and a few star players to add some experience to our enthusiasm, next year may be the first time our rag-tag bunch would be able enter a team on the behalf of Ningbo and show the big city leagues what we’re made of.
一到宁波,我就开始到处打听哪里有冰球运动。我在北京长大,从小酷爱冰球运动,因此去年9 月我重返中国入读宁波诺丁汉大学时,迫切希望能在这座城市里找到一席之地。在中国,说到冰球,大部分集中在像哈尔滨和齐齐哈尔那样有着冰冻气候的东北城市,而在南方则是一项非常小众的运动。虽然宁波的城市规模不算小,发展也很迅速,但冰球?一开始,我觉得希望不大。当我得知宁波鄞州联盛广场每周日晚有一场冰球比赛的时候,真是喜出望外。尽管第一次参加活动之前,我有些忐忑——“中国式”冰球会是怎样的?这是一个用塑料临时隔障一分为二的冰场。一边是我们的冰球场地,而另一半则是供市民自由滑冰的训练场。每次比赛前,我们往往要和他们“斗争”好久,才可以把他们“请出”我们这半个场地。有一天,一直等到另半边的市民们滑冰训练结束,我们才来了场畅汗淋漓的五对五比赛。从九月到十月,我每周的学习生活都是在期待中度过,期待能在周末可以和这些“宁波狼”们一起玩冰球。这比赛是充满变化的盛宴。有一个伙伴以前是玩花样滑冰的,他仍然喜欢使用花滑专用的有刀锯的冰鞋。一起打冰球的伙伴来自世界各地,说着不同的语言——北美、斯堪的纳维亚、宁波、中国东北……我来自英国。伙伴们的冰球水平也是参差不齐,有从中国冰球国青队退役的选手,有刚玩冰球没几年的人,也有几个当地人被我们亲切地称为“教练”。每次来的人数不等,但是以球会友,气氛总是那么幽默轻松。几个月前,那位前中国冰球国青队员在比赛中受伤,大家陪着他等救护车。虽然他的手臂因为脱臼而耷拉着,整个人的精神状态倒是很乐观,在大伙的拥簇下,留下一张“幸灾乐祸”的合影。▲来自美国的法布一招一式看起来非常专业,他是宁波诺丁汉大学的教授。▲每个队员队服胸前的图案就是“宁波狼”,“宁波狼”是浙江省内第一支成人业余冰球队。有位来自美国的伙伴,我叫他“法布”,我问他关于宁波冰球的想法,他说:“在宁波打冰球确实很特殊,能在鄞州找到这么好的冰球场地,我们真够幸运的。我在中国的很多城市都打过冰球,这是个很好的社交方式,我的中文不怎么好,但这并不影响我在冰上交朋友,毕竟运动中不用说太多的话。”冰球运动是一项激烈的运动。我们打球不仅为了游戏,也有着自己的雄心。每年十月,在上海会有一次全国性冰球比赛。随着我们的人数越来越多,很多“明星选手”为我们的热情注入了经验。明年,我们这群“乌合之众”将会代表宁波第一次参加这个比赛,在上海一展我们的实力。The first thing I did after I arrived in Ningbo was to go in search of ice hockey.I have been playing since I was a kid. Raised as an expat in return to China this September, to do an MA at the University of Nottingham’s Ningbo Campus. I knew that I had to find myself a new China hockey the size and growth of Ningbo I did not feel hopeful when I arrived. Hockey in South China is still very much a minority sport. Most of the ice hockey in the country is focused in the freezing climates of Harbin and Qiqihar in the North East.▲There is a weekly session on Sunday evenings at the Yinzhou Liansheng Plaza Century Star Ice Rink. Players come from many different countries, Living and Working and studying in Ningbo.▲The player (right, in black) comes from Israel, his Chinese name is “Bai Zhenya”, he is one of the initiators of the “Ningbo wolves”.So it was a very welcome surprise to be told that there is a weekly session on Sunday evenings at the Liansheng Plaza Century Star Ice Rink.I turned up for the first session with no idea what to expect. It’s hard to describe exactly what Ningbo hockey is like. Maybe ‘hockey with Chinese characteristics’ would be a good start.It’s old-school night shinny - skates and a stick are the only requirements everything else is optional. We take over half of the rink at 8pm, separated from continuing skating lessons by a makeshift plastic barrier, and battle it out until we get kicked-off. On a good day, we manage to outstay the skating lessons to play a last period full-ice September and October, my weeks of reading and studying were spent in anticipation of these sessions with the Ningbo games are a variable feast. One of us is a converted figure skater and still prefers his old skates with their jagged front. We have players from many different countries and many different languages, all playing hockey together - North America, Scandinavia, Ningbo, Dongbei……and (for myself) the of experience range from ex-Chinese national team players through to guys who have just been playing a couple of years. In theory, there are a couple of the locals who we fondly referred to as ‘coach’, but in reality they come to play more than to teach. Numbers are negotiable as well. But the atmosphere is always the same - the good-humored competition of guys playing puck.A few months ago one of these ex-national players slipped on a bad patch of ice and managed to dislocate a shoulder. He remained in good spirits while we waited for the ambulance to come, despite the jaunty angle of his arm, and insisting that we all gathered around him for a group photo of his injury.I asked fellow player "Farb", an American what he thought on Ningbo hockey. He said: "It is truly a special thing to have an ice rink in Ningbo. We were lucky to have such a nice facility in Yinzhou. I have played hockey in several cities in China, my Chinese language ability isn't very good, but that doesn't stop me from making friends on the ice. After all, you don't need to communicate with too many words when playing sports. And it is always a great way to make friends, as well as get some exercise."Hockey is not a gentle sport, it's not all just fun-and-games, however. There is a big future planned for the October there is a hockey tournament hosted in Shanghai with teams coming form all over the country to play. With a recent increase in numbers, and a few star players to add some experience to our enthusiasm, next year may be the first time our rag-tag bunch would be able enter a team on the behalf of Ningbo and show the big city leagues what we’re made of.
文章来源:《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自然科学版)》 网址: http://www.qqhedxxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0118/493.html